Top Of The Week

What is the 7 Year Credit Rule? A Comprehensive Guide

Late payments remain on your credit report for up to seven years from the original delinquency date, the date the payment ...

How to Improve Your Credit Score in 30 Days

Having a good credit score is essential for many aspects of life, from getting approved for a loan to renting an...

When Can You Legally Charge for Credit Repair Services?

Credit repair companies are not allowed to charge you in advance for their services. You should only pay for credit...

How to Increase Your Credit Score by 100 Points in a Month

For most people, raising their credit score by 100 points in a month is not a realistic goal. However, if you are...

Is it Worth It to Dispute Credit Report Errors?

Filing a dispute with a credit agency has no impact on your credit score. However, if the information in your credit...

How to Repair Bad Credit Quickly and Effectively

If you are 30 days behind on your mortgage payment, you can repair your credit in approximately 9 months to three years....

Top Of The Month

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How to Repair Your Credit and Rebuild Your Financial Life

Having bad credit can be like a weight holding you down, preventing you from achieving your financial goals. But it...

How to Quickly Improve Your Credit Score

Having a good credit score is essential for many aspects of life, from getting a loan to renting an apartment. But how...

Is Credit Repair a High Risk Business?

Credit repair services are considered high-risk, and this can be attributed to the fact that they often work with...

Can a Credit Dispute Affect Your Credit Score?

Filing a credit dispute does not directly impact your credit rating, but the results of the dispute could increase or...

Rebuilding Credit: How Long Does It Take to Go from 500 to 700?

Rebuilding credit is a long-term process that requires commitment and dedication. It can take anywhere from a few months...

Rebuilding Credit in 3 Months: Is it Possible?

If your credit score isn't as high as you'd like, don't worry. You can increase your score in as little as three months...

Should I Pay a Debt That Is 7 Years Old?

In most states, the debt itself doesn't disappear until you pay it. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, debts can ...

What Credit Repair Experts Do and How to Find the Right One

When it comes to improving your credit score, you may be considering hiring a credit repair specialist. But what do these ...